In our eBook 10 NLP techniques to motivate your students and increase their grades by 50%, you will find the formula that will take your classroom to the next level, with examples of practical cases that you can adapt to any situation and subject. These tools will allow you to adjust your teaching to the needs of your students, connect with them and have the successful classroom you have always dreamed of.
After 30 years in the classroom, one might wonder, ‘what other technique is there that I haven’t already implemented?’… Reading about each technique, I pictured my students in class honing their ability to enhance their self-esteem and become successful students. I strongly endorse it. It is effective!
EdD Lucy Popson,
Sec. School, Arizona, US
This eBook has been enlightening for me. I realized its usefulness from the beginning. The techniques are presented clearly, practically, and in an organized manner. Thanks to this resource, I am applying strategies that I have always needed in my classroom, and my students have shown significant improvement. Thank you for this fantastic resource! ✨
Eloy P.
Sec. School, Jalisco, MX
This eBook has proven to be a valuable find; the methods and real-life examples are exactly what I have been seeking. The content is thoroughly explained and logical, enabling me to implement it in my teaching effortlessly. I have observed my students’ excitement and motivation increase daily, as they recognize the positive impact I am making. Thank you!
MAEd. Rebeca Ramirez
High School, Jalisco, MX
Technique to associate positive emotions with learning activities.
How to use visualization to improve concentration and academic performance.
Technique to reformulate criticism in a positive and constructive manner.
Strategies for teaching by example and imitation.
How to transform problems into learning opportunities.
How to capture students' attention and improve information retention.
Technique to intervene and change negative emotional states.
How to use questions to guide students toward self-knowledge and self-assessment.
Technique for organizing collaborative projects and roles within the group.
Adaptation of teaching strategies to different thinking and behavioral styles.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies how our thoughts, language and behaviors affect the outcomes in our own lives. By using NLP in the classroom, YOU have the POWER to motivate your students, improve their discipline and adapt lessons to their needs, transforming their educational experience and improving academic performance, giving you great satisfaction right from the start. It’s like having a map to educational success in your hands!
From US $310,00 ONLY NOW
$ 14,97 USD
$ 14,97 USD
If after applying these NLP techniques in your classroom you have not seen a change in your students in 7 days, we will refund your money.
Sí. Compra 100% Garantizada. Si crees que este eBook no es para ti, te devolvemos tu dinero. Garantía de 7 días a partir de tu compra.
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Sí. Las 10 Técnicas de PNL las puedes aplicar y adaptar a cualquier asignatura y nivel educativo. Es fundamental para todo profesor o coach que tenga la responsabilidad de capacitar o dar clases a grupos de personas en organizaciones, institutionces religiosas, escuelas, escuelas para maestros, entre otros. Se recomienda tambien para directivos y asesores técnicos pedagógicos, ya que les va a facilitar su labor educativa para poder apoyar a los docentes a su cargo.
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Yes, the 10 NLP Techniques can be applied and adapted to any subject and educational level. It is essential for any teacher or coach who has the responsibility to train or teach groups of people in organizations, religious institutions, schools, schools for teachers, among others. It is also recommended for managers and pedagogical technical advisors, as it will facilitate their educational work to support the teachers in their charge.
You can purchase our eBook easily through Hotmart by simply clicking on the button above. We accept credit cards, debit cards, PayPal and other payment methods available in your country. Once payment is confirmed, you will have immediate access to the eBook. Payment is one-time, with no additional costs or monthly subscriptions. Hotmart, one of the largest online course platforms in the world, guarantees a totally secure purchase.
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